We now have 38 cases of H1N1 (Swine) Flu in Colorado: 6 in Adams County, 8 in Arapahoe, 1 in Boulder, 7 in Denver, 1 in Douglas, 3 in Eagle, 1 in Freemont, 4 in Garfield, 5 in Jefferson, 1 in La Plata, and 1 in Morgan. None required hospitalization as of this posting, to my knowledge.

I'm sure people are tired of hearing about this 2009 outbreak of the swine flu, now called H1N1 Flu Virus. I thought I'd post this chart. It has some enlightening info on it.
Could you post your original link to this image or provide a bigger version? It's too small to read the text. Thank you!
Stay safe in Colorado!
Kentucky Preppers Network
Anon 5/10 10:33 A.M.: here's where I found the chart: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H1N1 -- thanks for the comment. I'll try to do more links. Vikki
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