First this past Winter wasn't much of a Winter! Warm with an OCCASIONAL bit of snow. Spring? Warm, chilly, HOT, chilly and now, 4 days before Summer, it still hasn't made up its mind.
Plus the tornadoes, hail storms, constant rain.
I've lost all the garden I've planted. What the hail didn't get, my escaping goats did.

I was nearly finished revising this book (I took it down from Amazon while I did so) then the wonderful ladies at a FB group for Family Preparedness mentioned, oh, 15-20 more scenarios I really need to address!
Love the cover! Do you?
Hoping to release it by the end of July. Shortly thereafter, I will have the audio book released on and iTunes.
While I do that book, I am still working on my Healthy Meals from Dehydrated Foods book. (No cover yet). I have approximately 150 recipes but requests are still coming in. I love writing the recipes but it takes time to test all of them!
Stay tuned!
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