Welcome to the blog, Colorado Preppers. Prepping doesn't mean we think the apocolypse is coming or the earth will blow up. It simply means that we are preparing for any eventuality that may strike here in Colorado (USA) ... from swine/bird flu to blizzards to global financial collapse to loss of income and more. // Come learn with us about things like water purifying and collecting, inventory checks and more. However, we are NOT political and not affiliated with any specific religion or group. // FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO WWW.SURVIVAL-COOKING.BLOGSPOT.COM OR TO FIND OUT ABOUT MY BOOKS ON THESE AND OTHER TOPICS, GO TO WWW.VIKKI-LAWRENCE-WILLIAMS.BLOGSPOT.COM

Catching Rainwater in Colorado is Illegal

Rainwater harvesting is the catching and/or gathering and storing of rainwater. Usually it's practiced to save resources, especially in an area where rainfall is limited. It is used for drinking and other domestic use, watering livestock and plants, and to replenish ground water levels. Rain and snow are "caught" in some object, and stored until use. In some places, this is the only source of water. Humans have done this for thousands of years, but it seems to be illegal in Colorado.

According to: http://www.ext.colostate.edu/pubs/natres/06702.html, laws severely restrict the harvesting of rainwater. Basically, if a person captures rainwater, he's stealing it from the people who have the legal right to take the water from the watershed.

So, when we have a torrential downpour (albeit not too often), if you dare to put even a bucket under it to catch the rain to water your roses, you are breaking the law. What happens if you've bought your retreat and your only water is the well left from the previous owners, which runs dry in drought years?

Here's what we do NOT suggest ;)
  • Some people get inexpensive 50-gallon food-grade drums that were used to carry some liquids. They are heavy-grade plastic containers, and dark enough to discourage the growth of algae which can clog pipes. They place the drums near/under the drainspout (esp if convenient to the garden). Then they cover it with a fine screen to prevent leaves or bugs from getting in there. This is generally used in the garden, by dipping in a watering can or bucket to use. Then it gets cleaned regularly (with bleach) to prevent contamination or settling. Surrounding the collection container with a pretty fence with a gate is a good idea - it reduces the exposure to sun to the water won't boil or become too hot to handle.

Here's a link (http://www.swfwmd.state.fl.us/conservation/rainbarrel/make-a-rain-barrel.html). I like this (http://www.friendsofwater.com/Water_Catch.html) link too.

Welcome to our blog!


Jayce^ said...

Sadly it's the same for Utah. We get all the snow, and California wants to fill their pools.

House 4 Sale in Thornton said...

Sad, isn't it?! Good thing some people discuss how to "help" rain stay in your area!! Have a wonderful day.

Mayberry said...

Stuff like that irks me to death.... Great (non)suggestions there for not catching rainwater! I likes the way you think, heh heh heh.... The blog looks great, excellent job!

House 4 Sale in Thornton said...

So glad my non-suggestions are helpful!

Michael said...

Colorado changed the laws in 2009 to allow limited water harvesting. But you have to have absolutely NO access to city water and pay all the fees and permits for digging a well just to harvest water that falls from the sky. Other states (AZ, NM) encourage water harvesting and have tax credits for doing so. CO is the way it is cuz the Colorado River. I say harvest what you need, to hell with the ranchers. But the fines can be $500/day from what I can glean.