Welcome to the blog, Colorado Preppers. Prepping doesn't mean we think the apocolypse is coming or the earth will blow up. It simply means that we are preparing for any eventuality that may strike here in Colorado (USA) ... from swine/bird flu to blizzards to global financial collapse to loss of income and more. // Come learn with us about things like water purifying and collecting, inventory checks and more. However, we are NOT political and not affiliated with any specific religion or group. // FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO WWW.SURVIVAL-COOKING.BLOGSPOT.COM OR TO FIND OUT ABOUT MY BOOKS ON THESE AND OTHER TOPICS, GO TO WWW.VIKKI-LAWRENCE-WILLIAMS.BLOGSPOT.COM

Healthy except for cough

Boy howdy, this flu thing hit us hard! Well, it hit me hard. I came down with it first, and it took me the longest to get rid of it. Still have the cough but I'm not feverish and not contagious.

Hubby got the seasonal flu shot, and 3 days later got hit with the swine flu. He was only down 3 days, but yes, still has the cough.

The Kid got it last and was down 4 days, and still has the cough. For someone who has only been sick 5-6 times in his entire 13 years of life, he didn't know what to do with himself. I gave him a break on doing schoolwork, and he's just now catching up.

I'm sure we would have been worse off if we hadn't prepped and taken our supplements. If you haven't come down with the swine flu yet, you probably will. Make sure you're eating healthy, taking your supplements, and have stockpiled plenty of cough medicine, fever reducer, rehydratin drinks, clean water, and tissues/toilet paper.

Be healthy!

p.s. Hubby heard someone calling the H1N1 the "hini" (hi-nee) flu! Appropo, don't you think?


Update March 11 2014

I taught myself how to can last year. One of my experiments was an elderberry cough syrup, perfect for all kinds of flu.  I didn't really like the consistency, so I plan to experiment more this year. Want to keep up with my experiments?  Please visit www.survival-cooking.blogspot.com for more information. Thank you.


Stephan said...

That cough tends to linger, but singing seems to help.

ThrtnWmsFam said...

Singing? How odd ... I used to perform professionally but haven't sung even much for fun in years. I'll give it a try while we search for our homestead today. Thanks! Vikki