Welcome to the blog, Colorado Preppers. Prepping doesn't mean we think the apocolypse is coming or the earth will blow up. It simply means that we are preparing for any eventuality that may strike here in Colorado (USA) ... from swine/bird flu to blizzards to global financial collapse to loss of income and more. // Come learn with us about things like water purifying and collecting, inventory checks and more. However, we are NOT political and not affiliated with any specific religion or group. // FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO WWW.SURVIVAL-COOKING.BLOGSPOT.COM OR TO FIND OUT ABOUT MY BOOKS ON THESE AND OTHER TOPICS, GO TO WWW.VIKKI-LAWRENCE-WILLIAMS.BLOGSPOT.COM

Photographer searching for preppers

I was recently contacted by the following photographer, but declined to do the story and pix because we like our privacy. However, I offered to post his info here. Up to you if you'd like to contact him!

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I am a professional photographer based in Denver. I am interested in producing a portrait series on Preppers. This will ideally be a number of portraits of individuals, couples and families photographed in their stores. I am looking for subjects in Colorado to take part in this project. Please contact me at info@jameschance.com if you would like to learn more. You can view examples of my work at www.jameschance.com. I am very happy to provide you with a professional print of your portrait. If you would prefer to remain anonymous or have your location withheld that's fine. I hope to hear from you.

Kind Regards,

James Chance

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