- Freeze-dried and dehydrated foods: See this posting: http://www.survival-cooking.com/2009/02/basics-about-freeze-dried-and.html. Some to keep with you are: vegetable flakes, onion flakes, garlic cloves, mixes like for pancakes, etc.
- Quick prep foods: cereal plakes, lentils, ramen noodles, etc.
- Other: teas, coffee, boullion cubes, instant soup, dried mushrooms, peanut butter, gorp, butter powder, cheese powder, and chocolate
Be sure to keep various spices: we repack them into small pharmacy prescription pill bottles with child-proof tops. Good to keep: onion and garlic powder, salt, pepper, basil, oregano, parsley, red pepper flakes, cinnamon, nutmeg, etc.
Keep a supply of one-a-day vitamin capsules too.
= = = =
Now... on to the "heavy" food - healthy meals to carry if you have a (mule) car or canoe! These are really too heavy to carry in your backpack.
- a hearty breakfast is very important: granola, porridge mix, pancake mix with syrup
- fresh fruit and veggies - wait to eat the produce that lasts longer (cabbage, onions, potatoes, carrots, apples) until AFTER the quick-to-spoil items are gone.
- foods you pack yourself, like soup mix, stew mix, beans, pasta, etc. These are easy to make and actually pretty light if using freeze-dried or dehydrated ingredients.
- s'more ingredients: marshmallows, chocolate bars and graham crackers... yum!
- canned ham, tortillas, canned refried beans and green chilis, canned chicken, etc.
- nutritional yeast sprinkled on popped popcorn or salads or chili
PLUS... if you have room for a cooler, you can include fresh meat (eat in a day or two) like hot dogs, ground beef, chicken, cheese, sour cream, butter, milk, etc.
Be sure to pack a couple of power bars too! You might even consider a baggie of instant lemonade mix or hot cocoa.
Remember your utensils like potato peeler, paring knife, fillet knife (in case you catch fish to eat!), flatware (knife, fork, spoon), etc.
1 comment:
Great post. Dehydrated foods are a lot lighter and better to carry.
Kentucky Preppers Network
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