Welcome to the blog, Colorado Preppers. Prepping doesn't mean we think the apocolypse is coming or the earth will blow up. It simply means that we are preparing for any eventuality that may strike here in Colorado (USA) ... from swine/bird flu to blizzards to global financial collapse to loss of income and more. // Come learn with us about things like water purifying and collecting, inventory checks and more. However, we are NOT political and not affiliated with any specific religion or group. // FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE GO TO WWW.SURVIVAL-COOKING.BLOGSPOT.COM OR TO FIND OUT ABOUT MY BOOKS ON THESE AND OTHER TOPICS, GO TO WWW.VIKKI-LAWRENCE-WILLIAMS.BLOGSPOT.COM


Yep, we had temps in the 60's yesterday, but today awoke to a blizzard. High was 27 and that was at 6 a.m. ... has been steadily falling ever since. Low is expected to be around 6 or 7 tonight. Brrr. And lots of blowing snow.


Because my two girl goats are expected to kid any day now. They're late, actually. So they now live in my garage. Not outdoors in the pen it took us two weeks to put together, but in my garage. Each girl has her own 6x10 kennel, on top of a tarp that's covered with hay.  Then each has hay, food, water and a heat lamp at one corner and a medium "round tub" to use as a "nest". 

On good days we've been talking them out to their outdoor pen but as of last night, they'll be inside until a nice day shows up. Well, once the babies are born, it'll be a month or so until they go out.

You'd think it would be stinky in my garage but actually its not. Every couple of days we sprinkle more hay on the bottom alternating with pine shavings.  Then probably in January or Feb, during a nice "warm" day when the babies are able to go outside, Hubby and I will open the garage, take out all the old hay and poo, replace with clean straw (assuming we can find some by then).

Good solution. Just hope the girls don't get stir crazy waiting for these babies. Come on, girls! Labor, already!


Gary said...

Our personal solar desalination product uses no electricity, can be taken anywhere and extracts pure water from any contaminated water source. It removes radiation, fluoride, salt, pesticides, bacteria, dirt and other contaminants from any water. Be prepared for disasters, save hundreds on bottled water and utility bills. It is also American made with a University of Alabama patent:


Rita said...

Gary, above, the link is dead.